Fototriss: Par

Ettan är aningen skrämmande och väldigt vågad. Å du - snygga brillor!
Tvåan är skitrolig och väldigt kreativ, även om jag inte riktigt förstår den. Men jag ser 3-dagars skäggstubb;-)
Å trean då - ja. Personligen skulle jag anlita någon annan för det mödosamma jobbet;-)
Kreativt trissat! Gillar det där med att kunna klona sig när man ska skotta ;) Får nog skaffa en iPad ;)
Ha ha, ett himla kul upplägg. Ska nog göra samma sak och be mig själv städa medan jag går och lägger mig :)
Det var sannerligen en originell och snyggt gjord variant på partemat.
Underbart tolkad triss!! Första bilden är så du poppar ut ur rutan....riktigt rolig! Och vågad som BP skriver!
Ha en skön söndag!
Attans vad kreativ du är, härlig lösning!
Och tack för din kommentar om min bild!
Så jäkla bra trissat och med humor i trissen. Jag gillar den skarpt som många av dina andra trissar du delar med dig :)
ha ha roliga du!
Hittills har jag hittat tre höjdare
Din, Jahs och Kajsa-Lisas. Alla tre vinklat på ett annorlunda och roligt sätt!
Hihi. Rolig triss. Skulle också behöva dela mej så där ibland. Kan du inte tala om hur man gör? :=))
Kul triss!!! Tänk så mycket man skulle få gjort om man kunde klona sig...
Fin HD-känsla på porträttet.. parigt blir det i spegeln. Sista bilden är rena rama drömmen!! Tänk att va ensam med snöskotning o ändå få hjälp,,, allt går att lösa i PS.
Bra val i triss! Jag skulle också vilja klona mig idag, för då kunde den ena av mig vara kvar i sängen medan den andre går till jobbet :-)
Underbart väder i Karlskrona idag!
Vilken skojig triss :) Och ja, det var ett brudpar som blev fotograferade av en bröllopsfotograf som jag fotade i smyg...
Tack för härliga bilder som fick mina mungipor ordentligt uppåtsträvande!
snygg näsa ;) gillar dina trissar de är inte som andra och du skojar alltid till det på något vis
Grattis, du har kommit till final i Fototriss tävling! Omröstningen har precis inletts och pågår fram till lördag em.
Lycka till!
Superskoj som vanligt - man vet att det är nåt man mår bra av - tyvärr hann jag inte innan så ett stort grattis till finalplatsen.
Ha en underbar vecka , och tror du att en av dig kan komma och skotta hos mig med??
Grattis till finalplatsen! Underbara bilder, så vardagsnära!
Hej hej Per-Anders! Nu kan jag säga ett stort grattis till dig, för det är du som står som segrare i tävlingen! Du har alltså vunnit ett presentkort från Coolstuff värt 1.000 kronor och om du skickar mig ett mail på fototriss(at) så ska jag berätta mer om hur du får din vinst.
Grattis Per-Anders , satan också att dina trissar alltid gör mig så glad - har ju inte ens vett att bli sur ...
Ha en underbar vecka.
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DUI arrests require all of the special tactics commonly used in criminal law. Defending a DWI begins with making sure not any of your constitutional rights have been violated. Because law enforcement is in front of you, while they are essentially the only witness most of the time, their expert communication and procedural conduct is of the nature. We all create mis haps, and cops are no no exception to the rule. The Occasion happens with obvious accusation that can lead to obvious cause. For example, you get flashed over for speeding at 4 a.m.. The cop has reasonable suspicion that aperson committed a traffic offense, reckless driving. then, when the cop begins to make eye contact or steps in towards your automobile, law enforcement will point to the fact you have watery eyes, or there is an smell of beer. This elevates the reasonable intuition of abnormal driving to providing a police a reason that you is driving while drunk. ninety nine% of officers will say smell of alcohol, red ojos, or slurred talk. The officer may also insinuate you are rumaging about trying to get your license and proof of insurance handy. Now someone will be likely asked to get out from the ride and perform regular field sobriety tests. Those are SFST’s are learned under NHTSA (National road Traffic precautionary Administration) regulations and must be instructed per instance. when you do perform the tests, the officer can make mistakes that will have the test, or tests thrown out of from evidence. Factors such as physical impairments and the best situational conditions should be integrated amoung the results of your test. (example: you can not do a hop on one leg and turn test on uneven pavement). A person may usually take a breathalyzer test. There are defects in these devices as well, and they are machines that need to be maintained and training on for days. The incarceration is captured at the instance the law enforcement starts their sirens. It is through this captured evidence that we are able to secure an learned choice if the law enforcement administration of the tests, to the clients performance taking the checks. If you give an OK to the checks or not, you may go to big house. If you know someone that has been arrested for Rape or any criminal charges or know some one who needs a criminal defense Lawyer visit my website here [url=][color=#000_url]dui attorney Columbus[/color][/url] best regards
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The necessity of Hiring a Professional Roofing Company for Rain, Hail, or Snow Damage
Your homes roof the most important the different parts of your home or business, since it protects both you and everything inside from the weather. This is why it is vital to get it repaired promptly and effectively after damage from rain, hail, or snow. Wanting to repair your homes roof by yourself might seem like a cost-effective solution, however it could be dangerous and ineffective. This is the reason it will always be better to turn to an expert roofing company for several of one's roofing needs.
Hiring a specialist Roofing Company for Rain Damage Repair
Rain damage could be devastating to your homes roof, ultimately causing leaks, mold, as well as other issues. A specialist roofing company has got the experience, skills, and tools to evaluate the damage, show up with a repair plan, and execute it in a timely and efficient manner. Not only can this make sure that your roof is fixed correctly, however it will also offer you peace of mind understanding that your house or company is protected from future rain damage.
Employing a specialist Roofing Company for Hail Damage Repair
Hail storms can cause significant problems for your homes roof, and trying to do the repair all on your own can be dangerous and ineffective. A professional roofing company gets the expertise to correctly measure the damage and figure out the very best plan of action. They could also assist you to navigate the insurance coverage claims process and make certain you get the compensation you deserve. By working together with a specialist roofing company, you are able to be confident that your particular roof will likely to be repaired to its original condition, giving you long-lasting protection against hail damage.
Utilizing an expert Roofing Company for Snow Damage Repair
Snow can be heavy and persistent, causing a number of roofing problems, from leaks to structural damage. A specialist roofing company gets the experience, tools, and materials to fix your homes roof effectively and efficiently. Additionally, they usually have the data to identify potential issues while making strategies for preventing future snow damage. By choosing an expert roofing company, you will be certain that your roof should be repaired to withstand the demands of harsh winter months.
DIY Roof Repair just isn't Advisable After Rain, Hail, or Snow
Even though it might seem like a cost-effective solution, attempting to repair your homes roof by yourself after rain, hail, or snow damage may be dangerous and ineffective. Professional roofing companies have the expertise, experience, and equipment essential to get the job done safely and effectively. Moreover, they usually have the ability to identify potential issues and work out tips for preventing future damage. In addition, they can also assist you to navigate the insurance coverage claims process, making sure you will get the compensation you deserve. With regards to repairing your homes roof after damage, it really is always better to work with a specialist roofing company.
Deciding on the best Professional Roofing Company for your house or Business
The roof the most important aspects of your house or business, and it's also necessary to choose the best professional roofing company to correct and keep maintaining it. An established company need to have an established history of delivering high-quality work, be fully licensed and insured, and now have a group of skilled and experienced professionals. Additionally, they need to offer a warranty on the work, giving you peace of mind realizing that your homes roof is likely to be protected for many years to come.
An expert roofing company with a very good reputation can also be advantageous, because it indicates they have a brief history of satisfied customers. Ask for references and check online reviews to have a significantly better comprehension of their work and customer support. It's also crucial that you get multiple quotes from differen