Det är på Instagram det händer


Det fanns en tid då jag bloggade regelbundet. Den tiden är förbi. Numera är det istället Instagram som gäller. Där postar jag inlägg hyfsat ofta.

Jag har två konton på Instagram. Det ena är PAstreetphoto och där lägger jag upp de gatubilder jag tar. Gatufoto (street photography) är min nya hobby som jag började med när jag gick i pension. Gå gärna in där och kolla på mina streetbilder!

Mitt andra konto på Instagram är perandersfication. Där lägger jag upp bilder på lite vad som helst. Rätt mycket selfisar men också på mat jag ätit på restaurang eller på nåt resmål jag varit till. 

#1 - Elliottnaw

How can I troubleshoot a Swiss Military vertical mouse that has a faulty sensor?

The sensor of my vertical mouse only lights up briefly when I turn it on, but then it stops working. I have tried changing the batteries and using different USB ports, but nothing seems to help. Is there a way to fix this issue or do I need to replace the mouse?


#2 - Louiecauby

Regular Upkeep Stops High-Priced Restorations

Regular roof maintenance can avoid massive and high-priced restorations if neglected unaddressed for extended times. Little damages like leaks, cracks, or missing shingles could turn into serious issues if ignored. Homeowners should schedule periodic checks with licensed roofing contractors to catch any concerns quickly and resolve these before they turn expensive hassles. Maintaining a roof in excellent state can prolong its longevity and conserve homeowners money over time.

For instance One dweller sees a minor seepage in their roof and reaches out to a licensed contractor to inspect. The expert identifies several issues that may have resulted in major damage if neglected. Addressing these issues promptly saves the resident thousands of money in potential repairs.

For illustration One property owner arranges yearly checks for their covering. On one of these inspections, the professional finds beginning symptoms of wear. Proactive care carried out promptly prolongs the longevity of the roof and prevents high-priced restorations down the line.

[url=]All-Year roofing safety by Leland North Carolina[/url]

[url=]Early Signs of Roof[/url] 5243741